Peace and Reconciliation in Claret Sebin Babu Mundackal, cmf. Member of CESC-Vic Peace and reconciliation are relevant and widely discussed topics in the current scenario. Claret, in his life, encountered and lived several moments of conflicts that were not going to facilitate...
Nigeria and Conflicts: Exploring peace and reconciliation. SDG 16
Nigeria and Conflicts: Exploring peace and reconciliation Cletus Onyema Obasi CMF Nigeria: East Province. Introduction Nigeria became a nation through the amalgamation of Lord Lugard in 1914. The country is the most populated black nation in the world, with over 200 million...
Peace and Reconciliation on the southern border. From Spain
Peace and Reconciliation on the southern border (Spain, Europe) José Antonio Benítez cmf Unfortunately, in their various historical forms, peace is continually beset by opposing forces such as violence, intimidation, fear, or provocation. Peace is one of the most...
Missing persons in Mexico II: The response of the Church and the Claretians SDG 10, 16, 17
Missing persons in Mexico II: The response of the Church and the Claretians Sabás Cristóbal García González, cmf B.A. in Philosophy, Baccalaureate Theology Master in Human Rights and Peace. MICLA Solidarity and Mission Team Claretian Province of Mexico Third, how does this...
Missing persons in Mexico I: “Paradigm of the Perfect Crime”
Missing persons in Mexico I: "Paradigm of the Perfect Crime" The Sustainable Development Goals and the forced disappearance of persons in Mexico: The "Paradigm of the Perfect Crime" Sabás Cristóbal García González, cmf B.A. in Philosophy, Baccalaureate Theology Master in Human...
A Story of Collective Resilience: Disappeared in Chocó ODS 10, 16
A Story of Collective Resilience: Disappeared in Chocó I Forced disappearance, Memory of mourning, and resistance. An approach to the consequences of the conflict in the Bajo Atrato. Chocó (Colombia) Anselmus Baru, CMF Claretian Missionary, Province Colombia Venezuela The armed...
The United Nations Alliance of Civilisations and faith-based organisations SDG 17
The United Nations Alliance of Civilisations and faith-based organisations United Nations Alliance of Civilizations The United Nations Alliance of Civilisations (UNAOC) was established in 2005 as the entity responsible for preventing conflict through the promotion of...
Talking about Russian imperialism SDG 16, 17
Talking about Russian imperialism Miguel Angel Velasco cmf Master in Development S. and Diplomacy. UNITAR In these days of May, I am attending the I Review Forum of the Global Agreement on Migration adopted in Marakech (13 July 2018). Among the delegations present is rightfully...
What will the world look like after Putin’s war? (II) SDG 16,17
What will the world look like after Putin's war? (II) Miguel Ángel Velasco López cmf MA in Development and Diplomacy. UNITAR Is it possible to integrate Russia into the new European order? We may ask ourselves how the European Union, Germany, or Angela Merkel herself have been...
What was Putin’s intention in invading Ukraine? SDG 16
What was Putin's intention in invading Ukraine? Miguel Ángel Velasco López cmf MA in Development and Diplomacy. UNITAR Many of us ask ourselves these questions, or we should think about them. Another thing is if it is able for us to answer. The whole international landscape is...
And the Ukrainians met Polish Samaritans along the way SDG 16, 17
And the Ukrainians met Polish Samaritans along the way Piotr Bęza cmf Poland, Provincial Superior I don’t know how to start… it still seems to me as it was a nightmare… 21st Century and war almost in the heart of Europe… but on the other hand, why not? Are we better than our...
Joining here and there. Solidarity and Mission in JPIC perspective. SDG 10, 16, 17 EN
Joining here and there Miguel Tombilla Martínez cmf Secretary Solidarity and Mission. Prov. of Santiago The arrival of the SDGs has changed (or has picked up a previous change) the way we understand reality. One of these fundamental changes is that we all have duties...
Migration, changement climatique et Agenda 2030 (II) 1,2,6,10,11,13,16
Migration, changement climatique et Agenda 2030 (I) Implementation of the Migration and Climate Change Related Commitments of the Agenda 2030 Francis Amponsah (Ph.D. Candidate-Researcher) Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands Department of Geography, Planning, and...
Migration, Climate Change and 2030 Agenda (I) 1,2,6,10,11,13,16
Migration, Climate Change and 2030 Agenda (I) Implementation of the Migration and Climate Change Related Commitments of the Agenda 2030 Francis Amponsah (Ph.D. Candidate-Researcher) Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands Department of Geography, Planning and Environment...
De la Pologne à l’Ukraine The Importance of Faith-Based Organizations SDG 16 17
De la Pologne à l'Ukraine The Importance of Faith-Based Organizations Claretian religious travel to Ukraine Piotr Bęza, CMF, Provincial Claretian Provincial Poland On March 29-30, 2022, together with the Provincial Bursar, Br. Tadeusz Lihs, CMF, and the Provincial Secretary,...
The UN: How does it work to build peace? ODS 16 EN
The UN: How does it work to build peace? Miguel Ángel Velasco cmfCmf UN Team member It took two world wars, rooted in Europe, for Europe and the world based on "Western values" to realize that something was not working. Millions of deaths and unimaginable...
Did Afghanistan need that kind of help? SDGs 16, 17 EN
Did Afghanistan need that kind of help?Miguel Ángel Velasco cmfMember of the Claretian Team at the United Nations Afghanistan: a land desired by many On February 15, 1989, the Soviet Union withdrew from Afghanistan. Its relations went from the recognition of the...
Dialogue among religions? II EN SDG 16,17
Dialogue among religions?Builders of peace and reconciliation Miguel Angel Velasco cmfMember of the cmf team at the UNLicentiate in Systematic Theology 3. A long road full of excellent experiences The twentieth and twenty-first centuries will see the...
Boko Haram. Insurgency in Nigeria: A Missionary’s Diary. SDG 16 EN
Boko Haram. Insurgency in Nigeria: A Missionary’s Diary. SDG 16Fr. Lawrence Ikeh, CMF My name is Fr. Lawrence Ikeh, a Claretian missionary priest working in the diocese of Maiduguri in the northeast of Nigeria. I came to this part of the country in 2006 after my...
Peace and reconciliation in Bajo Atrato. Colombia. SDG 16. EN
Peace and reconciliation of the black, indigenous and mestizo peoples of Bajo Atrato Chocó SDG 16Marcial Gamboa cmfNuestra Señora del Carmen ParishRiosucio - Chocó The rivers and streams inhabited by the black, indigenous, and mestizo peoples of the...
Peace and Reconciliation in Claret. SDG 16
Peace and Reconciliation in Claret Sebin Babu Mundackal, cmf. Member of CESC-Vic Peace and reconciliation are relevant and widely discussed topics in the current scenario. Claret, in his life, encountered and lived several moments of conflicts that were not going to facilitate...
Nigeria and Conflicts: Exploring peace and reconciliation. SDG 16
Nigeria and Conflicts: Exploring peace and reconciliation Cletus Onyema Obasi CMF Nigeria: East Province. Introduction Nigeria became a nation through the amalgamation of Lord Lugard in 1914. The country is the most populated black nation in the world, with over 200 million...
Peace and Reconciliation on the southern border. From Spain
Peace and Reconciliation on the southern border (Spain, Europe) José Antonio Benítez cmf Unfortunately, in their various historical forms, peace is continually beset by opposing forces such as violence, intimidation, fear, or provocation. Peace is one of the most...
Missing persons in Mexico II: The response of the Church and the Claretians SDG 10, 16, 17
Missing persons in Mexico II: The response of the Church and the Claretians Sabás Cristóbal García González, cmf B.A. in Philosophy, Baccalaureate Theology Master in Human Rights and Peace. MICLA Solidarity and Mission Team Claretian Province of Mexico Third, how does this...
Missing persons in Mexico I: “Paradigm of the Perfect Crime”
Missing persons in Mexico I: "Paradigm of the Perfect Crime" The Sustainable Development Goals and the forced disappearance of persons in Mexico: The "Paradigm of the Perfect Crime" Sabás Cristóbal García González, cmf B.A. in Philosophy, Baccalaureate Theology Master in Human...
A Story of Collective Resilience: Disappeared in Chocó ODS 10, 16
A Story of Collective Resilience: Disappeared in Chocó I Forced disappearance, Memory of mourning, and resistance. An approach to the consequences of the conflict in the Bajo Atrato. Chocó (Colombia) Anselmus Baru, CMF Claretian Missionary, Province Colombia Venezuela The armed...
The United Nations Alliance of Civilisations and faith-based organisations SDG 17
The United Nations Alliance of Civilisations and faith-based organisations United Nations Alliance of Civilizations The United Nations Alliance of Civilisations (UNAOC) was established in 2005 as the entity responsible for preventing conflict through the promotion of...
Talking about Russian imperialism SDG 16, 17
Talking about Russian imperialism Miguel Angel Velasco cmf Master in Development S. and Diplomacy. UNITAR In these days of May, I am attending the I Review Forum of the Global Agreement on Migration adopted in Marakech (13 July 2018). Among the delegations present is rightfully...
What will the world look like after Putin’s war? (II) SDG 16,17
What will the world look like after Putin's war? (II) Miguel Ángel Velasco López cmf MA in Development and Diplomacy. UNITAR Is it possible to integrate Russia into the new European order? We may ask ourselves how the European Union, Germany, or Angela Merkel herself have been...
What was Putin’s intention in invading Ukraine? SDG 16
What was Putin's intention in invading Ukraine? Miguel Ángel Velasco López cmf MA in Development and Diplomacy. UNITAR Many of us ask ourselves these questions, or we should think about them. Another thing is if it is able for us to answer. The whole international landscape is...
And the Ukrainians met Polish Samaritans along the way SDG 16, 17
And the Ukrainians met Polish Samaritans along the way Piotr Bęza cmf Poland, Provincial Superior I don’t know how to start… it still seems to me as it was a nightmare… 21st Century and war almost in the heart of Europe… but on the other hand, why not? Are we better than our...
Joining here and there. Solidarity and Mission in JPIC perspective. SDG 10, 16, 17 EN
Joining here and there Miguel Tombilla Martínez cmf Secretary Solidarity and Mission. Prov. of Santiago The arrival of the SDGs has changed (or has picked up a previous change) the way we understand reality. One of these fundamental changes is that we all have duties...
Migration, changement climatique et Agenda 2030 (II) 1,2,6,10,11,13,16
Migration, changement climatique et Agenda 2030 (I) Implementation of the Migration and Climate Change Related Commitments of the Agenda 2030 Francis Amponsah (Ph.D. Candidate-Researcher) Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands Department of Geography, Planning, and...
Migration, Climate Change and 2030 Agenda (I) 1,2,6,10,11,13,16
Migration, Climate Change and 2030 Agenda (I) Implementation of the Migration and Climate Change Related Commitments of the Agenda 2030 Francis Amponsah (Ph.D. Candidate-Researcher) Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands Department of Geography, Planning and Environment...
De la Pologne à l’Ukraine The Importance of Faith-Based Organizations SDG 16 17
De la Pologne à l'Ukraine The Importance of Faith-Based Organizations Claretian religious travel to Ukraine Piotr Bęza, CMF, Provincial Claretian Provincial Poland On March 29-30, 2022, together with the Provincial Bursar, Br. Tadeusz Lihs, CMF, and the Provincial Secretary,...
The UN: How does it work to build peace? ODS 16 EN
The UN: How does it work to build peace? Miguel Ángel Velasco cmfCmf UN Team member It took two world wars, rooted in Europe, for Europe and the world based on "Western values" to realize that something was not working. Millions of deaths and unimaginable...
Did Afghanistan need that kind of help? SDGs 16, 17 EN
Did Afghanistan need that kind of help?Miguel Ángel Velasco cmfMember of the Claretian Team at the United Nations Afghanistan: a land desired by many On February 15, 1989, the Soviet Union withdrew from Afghanistan. Its relations went from the recognition of the...
Dialogue among religions? II EN SDG 16,17
Dialogue among religions?Builders of peace and reconciliation Miguel Angel Velasco cmfMember of the cmf team at the UNLicentiate in Systematic Theology 3. A long road full of excellent experiences The twentieth and twenty-first centuries will see the...
Boko Haram. Insurgency in Nigeria: A Missionary’s Diary. SDG 16 EN
Boko Haram. Insurgency in Nigeria: A Missionary’s Diary. SDG 16Fr. Lawrence Ikeh, CMF My name is Fr. Lawrence Ikeh, a Claretian missionary priest working in the diocese of Maiduguri in the northeast of Nigeria. I came to this part of the country in 2006 after my...
Peace and reconciliation in Bajo Atrato. Colombia. SDG 16. EN
Peace and reconciliation of the black, indigenous and mestizo peoples of Bajo Atrato Chocó SDG 16Marcial Gamboa cmfNuestra Señora del Carmen ParishRiosucio - Chocó The rivers and streams inhabited by the black, indigenous, and mestizo peoples of the...